San Diego Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer

San Diego slip and fall accident lawyer
Most slip and fall accidents can be categorized as premise liabilities, which are personal injuries and accidents that occur on a person?s property. However, slip and fall accidents also include, but are not limited to falling items, collapses and trips that occur in any number of locations. Our San Diego personal injury attorneys can help you obtain adequate compensation for your slip and fall case regardless of where or how you fell.

The Responsible Party

When you are on a person?s property, your safety is his or her responsibility. If there are unsafe conditions, that individual must warn any visitors and do what they can to prevent an injury from occurring due to that unsafe condition. Even if these measures are taken, however, most personal injury attorneys agree that the property owner is still liable for any injuries caused by unsafe conditions on their property.

For example, when a person slips and falls on a spill in the grocery store, the store and the employees in charge of cleaning it up will be responsible for the injuries due to that accident. Our San Diego personal injury attorneys will check to see what, if any, measures, such as putting up signage or cleaning up the spill, were taken by the grocery store to prevent an injury. If the store did not protect their visitors from slip and fall accidents, our San Diego personal injury attorneys will then file the lawsuit and seek compensation on your behalf for their negligence.

You Need a San Diego Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer

When you have a slip and fall, you need an attorney from the San Diego Accident Law Center. In most slip and fall accidents, you are dealing with a company, not an individual. Therefore, the company will have insurance adjusters, agents and attorneys working on their side to lower their liability in your slip and fall case. Without a San Diego slip and fall accident lawyer, victims of accidents in slip and fall injuries will receive minimal, if any, compensation for their injuries.

We may be able to obtain photographs, video and even find witnesses of your slip and fall incident to ensure that the company responsible is held liable for their negligence. Furthermore, we will seek compensation for both short and long-term financial distress, medical bills, emotional damage and physical injuries associated with your slip and fall.

Contact a San Diego Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one was injured in a slip and fall accident, the time to act is now. Contact our San Diego slip and fall accident lawyer from the San Diego Law Center today for a free, no obligation consultation at (619) 325-7555.

Slip and fall accidents can be serious and you should not attempt to represent yourself alone. Instead, contact us at San Diego Accident Law Center. Our San Diego slip and fall accident lawyer will get you the compensation and recognition you deserve for your slip and fall case. (619) 325-7555.