San Diego Auto Accident Attorney

San Diego auto accident attorney

Automobile accidents cause over three million injuries each year. Since automobile accidents are so common due to drivers becoming distracted from cellular devices, entertainment systems and more, drivers who are injured during a San Diego automobile accident can have serious or even permanent injuries that leave them financially devastated.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, you need the assistance of a San Diego auto accident attorney, or commonly referred to as “personal injury attorney.” As trusted personal injury attorneys, we have a combined over 15 years of auto accident experience and have handled thousands of cases involving personal injury in San Diego. With our firm, each auto accident attorney handles their case as if it is their only and our clients are supported by their personal injury attorney, secretary and paralegal to ensure their case is handled quickly and effectively. By hiring our San Diego auto accident attorney you will receive high-quality legal representation for your auto accident. Contact us today for a free, no obligation consultation by calling (619) 325-7555.

The Facts about Auto Accidents

Did you know that?

  1. Auto accidents kill over 400,000 people every year?
  2. Fatal auto accidents are one of the leading killers of people under 34?
  3. Every day in the United States 115 people die from an auto accident?
  4. The damages associated with a San Diego auto accident cost over $150 billion annually?
  5. A person will experience at least one auto accident in their lifetime?

This is why you should contact a personal injury attorney immediately following an automobile accident. With these facts, more insurance companies have to foot the bill for reckless driving, which costs them money. Without personal injury attorneys on your case, you are victim to the underwriting and policies of the insurance company, which are to just take care of the bare minimum costs, not any additional financial or emotional damages you encounter from your accident.
In most instances, our San Diego personal injury attorneys can help you deal with the auto insurance companies from both sides and help you recover financially from:

  1. Extensive repair costs
  2. Extensive medical bills
  3. Long-term costs associated with personal injury
  4. Emotional distress
  5. Lost wages
  6. Lost benefits
  7. Property damage
  8. Lost joys
  9. Other accident-related costs

Call a San Diego Auto Accident Attorney Today!

Even if you think that the accident has no one to blame, you should hire a San Diego personal injury attorney. Consult us today immediately following an accident by contacting one of our legal representatives for a free, no obligation consultation at (619)-325-7555. Even if there is no one to blame specifically, our personal injury attorneys can help you file claims, file lawsuits and get repercussions for the auto accident you were involved in.

With our high success rate, we are confident we can help you with your case. You do not pay our attorneys fees until we have collected money from the negligent party. Give us a call today and see how our San Diego auto accident attorney and personal injury attorneys can help your case now. (619)-325-7555.